Founded in 2000 / 24th Year
Datacore has made a difference since its establishment, and has carried “System Integrator" concept in Turkey to the point it should be, with its experienced, knowledgeable, equipped staff and solution-oriented approach.
Datacore, which offers high-level applications, solutions and services that manage the data in their environment at every stage by prioritizing and correctly perceiving the needs of its customers maintains its service quality provided to leading institutions in Turkey by improving it with the satisfaction of its customers.
Our Vision;
By creating a difference with our solutions and services provided by our own resources, our years of experience and our knowledge ,we attain the position of the preferred, reliable system integrator in Turkey & Middle East top corporate market.
Our Mission;
As the System Integrator, providing the highest quality solutions with the knowledge, experience and confidence that provide data management at every stage. To evaluate the needs with its knowledge and solution-oriented approach and to implement reliable and manageable projects compatible with developing technology. With the consultancy, support and training services provided by Datacore resources, to ensure the continuity of the solution of corporate customers with permanent satisfaction.
Our Values;
Our team, knowledge, experience, farsightedness, professionalism, superior support services, honest and ethical approach, customer orientation, respect, team spirit, detail, creativity and stubborn side.
Our Quality Policy
As Datacore, with the participation and effort of all our employees, we aim to meet the needs and needs of our stakeholders.
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Our Information Security Policy
To protect Datacore Information Systems information assets against all kinds of threats that may occur from inside or outside, knowingly or unknowingly, to determine the security values, needs and risks of assets, to develop and implement controls for security risks.
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Occupational safety Policy
As Datacore Information Systems; We aim to be the most preferred company by pioneering Software Hardware Integration, Data Management, Technical Support, Installation and Maintenance Services.
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General Disclosure for Protection
and Processing of Personal Data
In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data ("KVKK") No. 6698, the extent to which your personal data can be processed by Datacore Bilgi Sistemleri Tic.A.Ş ("Datacore" or "Company") as the data responsible, is explained below
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Personal Data Protection and
Processing Policy
Datacore Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy (“Datacore KVK Policy”) regulates the principles adopted by Datacore in the protection and processing of personal data.
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Data Owner Information
Request Form
You can apply to Datacore Bilgi Sistemleri Tic.A.Ş. (""The Company"") as the data subject in accordance with Article 11 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (""Law No. 6698""), and you can make the following requests.
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Anti-Bribery and
Anti-Corruption Policy
The aim of the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy ("Policy") is to establish the anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies of Datacore Bilgi Sistemleri Tic.A.Ş. ("Datacore"), which are also included in the Datacore Business Ethics Rules
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Business Ethics Rules
Integrity and honesty are our primary values in all our business processes and relationships. We act with integrity and honesty in our relations with employees and all our stakeholders.
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Preventive measures due to the coronavirus
A special group has been established to continuously monitor the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to ensure the safety of Datacore employees, our customers and business partners, the measures taken will be renewed, taking into account the information from the Ministry of Health as an urgent priority.
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Cloud Computing Policy
Our company's goal during the transition to cloud computing technologies is to take the necessary measures to protect the security and confidentiality of all data and to establish standards in this field.
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